Pain is No Waiting Matter

Gateway provides timely private orthopaedic surgical options for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries.

We Remove the Barriers to Private Orthopaedic Surgical Consultation and Surgical Management in Canada

 If you are suffering from a musculoskeletal condition or injury, Gateway can help facilitate your private surgery. 

We arrange all of your pre and post-operative services so you can spend more time focused on healing and returning to your daily activities.

Why Should You Consider Private Orthopaedic Surgery?

By accessing private surgical options, you can improve your quality of life and decrease your pain through significantly improved wait times for treatment. 

What if I Want to Be Treated Through Public Health Care?

There are treatment options within the public health system; however, wait times for non-urgent procedures are usually much longer than a motivated patient is willing to accept. For the patients who choose to come to Gateway for help, waiting months or even years to relieve pain and restore function is not acceptable. Gateway Surgery can have you treated and into your rehabilitation in little time – a perfect solution for motivated patients.

What is the Advantage of Gateway Surgery?

Pursuing private surgery through Gateway gives you access to our full circle of care. We can help you with each step of your journey from consultation to surgery and all aspects of your rehabilitation, including post operative care and helping your navigate post operative complications should they arise.

Are you ready to explore your private orthopaedic surgery options?

By Accessing Private Orthopaedic Surgery, You Can:

Enjoy Improved Function & Mobility
Experience Decreased Pain & Suffering
Return to Your Favorite Activities
Take Control of Your Health Journey
Eliminate the Stress of Waiting for Treatment
Benefit From an Optimized Rehabilitation Process

Are you a resident of British Columbia with a recently canceled private orthopaedic surgery due to new court rulings?

If you are a BC resident with a recently canceled private orthopaedic surgery due to new court rulings in BC, we can help. You are permitted to travel to Alberta and have your surgery performed by a local Alberta surgeon.

Explore your Private Orthopaedic Surgery options today!

“Our son, who has had multiple shoulder injuries and a previous surgery, ended up seeing Dr. Lo who came highly recommended from trusted sources. We really appreciated the time Dr. Lo took discussing our son’s injury and painting a clear picture of his situation. Surgery went smoothly and we have been extremely impressed with the communication all the way through the process, from both Dr. Lo and his staff. ”

Scott and Lisa N.

Gateway supports the care of numerous orthopaedic conditions and injuries:

You Have the Right to Timely Care, Gateway Can Help

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